ISEF Sponsorship Opportunities
Become the Sole Title Sponsor
Position your company as the leader among the group of forward-thinking corporations, foundations, organizations, and individuals that provide sponsorship support at ISEF. As the Title Sponsor, you have the opportunity to provide significant funding for the life-changing programs that will inspire tomorrow’s STEM leaders and innovators. Your company will increase its brand awareness and loyalty among the next generation of science and engineering leaders, drive media coverage around your company’s commitment to STEM, and develop unique, individual relationships with global STEM talent. Title sponsor receives significant branding benefits, including on-site banners and signage throughout ISEF, internal and external promotion, and talent networking opportunities. This sponsorship supports all elements of the fair and ensures your branding appears in the promotional efforts preceding, during, and following the event.
BENEFITS INCLUDE • Sponsor name is included in name of event in all signage, the Society’s website and all official ISEF mentions internally in external media releases • Sponsor name will be associated with the sponsored category awards in the Society’s announcements of winners. • Each sponsored category will have the sponsor’s name associated with it on signage over and around the category on the Exhibit Hall floor for the duration of the week. More than 9,000 attendees will see the branding. • Sponsor name will be featured on signage associated with the judges’ meeting rooms in the sponsored category. • The opportunity to meet finalists at a Category Reception during ISEF and receive finalists’ contact information (for those who opt in) for follow-up after ISEF. • Space for a double exhibit booth in a featured location. • The opportunity to present awards in their sponsored categories at the Grand Awards Ceremony on Friday of Fair week. • Invitations to the Leaders Reception, Opening Ceremony, and Special and Grand Awards Ceremonies. • Two invitations to attend the exclusive President’s VIP Dinner on Monday night. • Preference for purchase of activated showcase space near the Exhibit Hall. • The option to present a symposium session at ISEF. • Opportunity for sponsor and/or their employees to serve as general volunteers or, if qualified, as judges. • Most featured sponsor presence in the program book, finalist registration bags, ISEF App, social media, Society’s Annual Report, and on the website. • The option to provide promotional materials to be distributed in official registration bags for all ISEF attendees. • The option to conduct an educational demonstration for local students, at sponsor’s expense, during the Education Outreach Day. • A two-page sponsored content ad in a printed issue of Science News. • A total of 200,000 banner ad impressions on the Society’s main website and its Science News and Science News for Students sites. • Messaging to the Society’s Alumni Network, now totaling 32,000 people.
TO PARTICIPATE AS THE SOLE TITLE SPONSOR • Provide funding at the required multi-million dollar level. • Sponsor at least 6 Grand Awards Categories. • Serve as a Finalist Sponsor of one or more delegations. • Provide a representative to be present during the Opening Ceremony on Monday of Fair Week and at the Grand Awards Ceremony on Friday.
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