ISEF Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsor Student Finalists
ISEF finalists represent the top young STEM talent across the globe—tomorrow’s STEM leaders and innovators, who will take on the biggest questions and challenges facing our world. Student finalists come from about 80 countries, regions, and territories through the Society’s network of 425 affiliated science fairs, comprising about 300 fairs in the United States and 125 internationally. We ask sponsors to support a finalist or finalists from one or more specific affiliated fair delegations at $4,000 per finalist. Please let us know which fair or fairs you wish to support. Note that $1,000 of the per-student contribution goes directly to the student’s affiliated fair, and the $3,000 balance covers the ISEF per-student cost, including facility, exhibits, and operations. For example, if you wish to sponsor the 10 finalists from Wisconsin, the total contribution would be $40,000. Of that, $10,000, or 25%, will be split among the four Wisconsin-based affiliated fairs. Alternatively, you may provide general support for finalists, designated for an area of most urgent need. The Society will select the student(s) and affiliated fair(s) that will benefit from your support, and will let you know who you have helped.
BENEFITS INCLUDE • Being featured as a Finalist Sponsor with a “Shout Out” on screen at the Opening Ceremony, in the ISEF program book, on the website, at the Opening Ceremony and in the Society’s Annual Report. • Attendance at the Leaders Reception, Opening Ceremony, and Special and Grand Awards Ceremonies. • For Finalist Sponsors who identify a preferred affiliated fair to support, that fair will be notified of your support, if desired, for consideration for local recognition. • Sponsors of $25,000 or more receive the opportunity to host an exhibit booth in the ISEF Commons at a 25% discount. • For sponsors who give $25,000 or more, a 50% discount on an advertisement in Science News , whose in-depth reporting on science topics now reaches 4,600+ high schools and 100,000 digital and print subscribers. (For more about Science News and advertising, see page 89.)
TO PARTICIPATE AS A FINALIST SPONSOR • Contribute $4,000 per finalist. • Determine the affiliated fair(s) you wish to support, or designate your funds for the area of most urgent need and let the Society determine the student and affiliated fair to benefit from your support.
TO PARTICIPATE AS A CATEGORY, EVENT, OR BRANDING SPONSOR • Sponsor student finalists based on your level of participation.
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