Transforming Our DNA - 2016 Annual Report
Joe Palca of NPR moderates the Nobel Laureate panel with Frank Wilczek, 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics (1967 STS); Martin Karplus, 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1947 STS) andWalter Gilbert, 1980 Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1949 STS).
Feng Zhang (2000 STS)
Lisa Randall (1980 STS)
Eva Emerson moderates the Basic Research panel with Lisa Steiner (1950 STS), Ted Hoff (1954 STS), Leroy Hood (1956 STS), Debra Elmegreen (1971 STS) and Soojin Ryu (1990 STS).
Frank Wilczek (1967 STS)
Gayle EdlundWilson (1960 STS)
26 | 2016 ANNUAL REPORT | STS 75 TH ANNIVERSARY ALUMNI CONFERENCE STS 75 TH ANNIVERSARY ALUMNI CONFERENCE Richard Harris of NPR moderates the Entrepreneurship panel with Paul Maddon (1977 STS), Daniel Skovronsky (1991 STS), Bob Sproull (1964 STS), George D. Yancopoulos (1976 STS) and Hayley Bay Barna (2001 STS).
Maya Ajmera (1985 STS) moderates the Scientific Leadership panel with Erika Ebbel Angle (1999 STS), Gayle Edlund Wilson (1960 STS) and Mary Sue Coleman (1961 STS).
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